You Are A Mom of School Kids When…..
- You feel like your name is Mom’s Taxi
- You can fill a notebook with different schedules and lists- snack schedules, teacher’s notes, sports schedules, school calendar ect…
- The only adult conversation you’ve had today was with the school crossing guard
- Your child’s teacher is starting to believe the stories they hear about you
- Your kids have more of a social life than you do
- You are starting to understand Pokemon
- You need your child to program your cell phone
- You have to fight your kids for computer time
- PTA has you on speed dial
- You get excited about Costco coupons
- You carry folding lawn chairs in your car
- The only friends you see on a regular basis are your kid’s friend’s Moms
- You can make cupcakes in your sleep…and actually might have done it already