Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mommy goes to School

So I had to sit down and have a talk with the kids today about Mommy going back to school. I don't know if they truly understood what I was saying. Nate's only concern was that I would be home on early release days, and Lily was totally fine with going to Grandma's on the day she doesn't have school. I think the true test will be when I need quiet time to study. Hey kids, let's all sit down and do our homework together!


Tarah said...

"HEY MOM, can you help me with question 7"? "Mom, how do you say this word"? BUT who are you going to ask when you have a question Holly??? Congrats on going back to school! =) That is awsome!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to say that it would be me; but I have a hard enough time speaking. So Good Luck Honey!!! Hope your first day goes well. I like your blog.