Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tears and a little freak out

I don't tend to get emotional about my kids growing up. I enjoy every stage and am excited for them as they move on to new things. Today was the exception. Today was the last day of school for my 4th grader and my 1st grader. They are now officially a 5th grader and a 2nd grader. Somehow I am not ready for that. How is it that Nate has just one year left of Elementary school? And I swear that Lily just started kindergarten yesterday!

Lily received an Excellent attendance award today at the school assembly. They also had the 5th grade moving up ceremony. I had never sat through that assembly before, and the whole time all I could think about was how next year Nate would be up there. BIG YIKES! There were tears at the assembly for the fabulous teacher who is not returning next year, and the Para Educator (known as Grandma to all of the kids) who is retiring. I was wishing I had brought the tissue!

I remembered this morning that the kids wear a white tee shirt to school and have everyone sign their shirts. Thankfully, this year all the ink stayed on the shirts! ( I won't mention which one came home with ink on his sandals last year). I picked them up at the end of the day and they got to wave goodbye to the buses as they pulled away.

The kids had a great year of school, and I loved being able to sub there this year. Ok, I'm done with the tears......bring on Summer!

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