Monday, February 15, 2010

Auntie Survived the Sleepover!

This Auntie is tired.......zzz.....oh sorry. The sleepover with my brother's kids turned out great, but man they wiped me out. I had 6 kids for 24 hours. My Mom was wonderful and stopped by at dinner, which helped because Drew was starving, and I was trying to get all the kids dished up. Drew is 13 months old and ate more than two of the other kids combined. Really. I bought some Scooby Do snacks and had fun giving him bone shaped crackers. It's funny to see this little guy chewing on bones. The kids all played well, and had fun in the wet sandbox. Bath time went without me needing a dry set of clothes(shocker!). Drew went to bed without fuss, and Nate read stories to the other 4 kids. They all went down pretty easy. Grant kept getting out of his sleeping bag, but finally crashed after an hour. Drew woke up about 6 times during the night coughing. I binked him each time, and he went right back to sleep. 7am came early for me, and was way too early for Nerf gun wars. I called my Dad and thanked him (again) for giving the boys Nerf guns. It's not that they shoot everything, it's the stupid noises they make. Ben walked around all morning with his finger on the trigger, making the shooting noise. I asked him to stop and he looked at me with big eyes and said, "I shooting monsters". How do you argue with that?
My sister Amy showed up at 11am to help, and we were all still in jammies. I escaped to the shower, and she proceeded to join the Nerf gun wars. (Video to that one is uploading as we speak). Mom stopped by again to help get clothes on everyone, and I (ran for the hills) went to coffee. Amy attempted a photo shoot with the kids, and I am very curious to see how that turned out. When I left, Ben had gotten ranch dressing in his hair, and Drew was trying to get revenge with the Nerf gun. When I got back an hour later, they had cleaned up the playroom (Thanks Sis) and were playing with play dough, making sculptures.
When Tiff was getting Grant ready to go he said, "I run at Auntie Holly's house". He loves coming to play here, and it makes Auntie's heart happy to hear that. I wish we could have sleepovers more when Dan gets home!